President Trump in the UK
By Meg Wagner, CNN
Updated 17 min ago10:23 a.m. ET, July 12, 2018
17 min ago
There are fences around the London house where Trump is staying tonight
From CNN's Laura Smith-Spark
President Trump is on his way to the residence of US ambassador Woody Johnson. He'll spend the next few hours at Johnson's residence before meeting UK Prime Minister Theresa May at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire.
Tall metal mesh barricades and concrete blocks have been erected around the perimeter of Johnson's swanky central London residence — called Winfield House — where Trump will spend Thursday night.
Protesters are expected to gather around the residence to greet Trump with a "wall of noise" on Thursday night. Organizers have urged demonstrators to bring "bring pots, drums and vuvuzelas."
Winfield House is the only place where Trump will spend time in central London, where demonstrators are expected to gather in their tens of thousands for a march on Friday afternoon, hours after a giant "Trump baby" balloon is flown near the UK Parliament in an eye-catching stunt.
32 min ago
5 places Trump is visiting during this trip
President Trump just landed in the UK. He'll spend the next two days meeting with British Prime Minster Theresa May and Queen Elizabeth II before heading to Scotland later tomorrow.
Here's a breakdown of where Trump is going:
The President and first lady Melania Trump will attend a black-tie dinner tonight hosted by May at Blenheim Palace, the birthplace of Winston Churchill.
The Trumps will spend the night at the US ambassador's residence, Winfield House, which is close to Regent's Park in London.
On Friday, Trump and May will visit Sandhurst Military Academy, where he'll participate in a military exhibition.
They will then travel to Chequers, the Prime Minister's official country retreat, for bilateral talks on foreign policy. They'll also have a news conference.
Trump and the first lady will then go on to Windsor Castle to meet the Queen.
Here's the map:
31 min ago
American citizens in the UK were asked to keep a low profile today. Here's why.
From CNN's James Masters
The US embassy has taken the unusual step of issuing a warning to American citizens in the UK to "keep a low profile" during the visit of President Donald Trump.
There are fears that demonstrations over Trump's three-day visit to the UK, where he will meet with British Prime Minister Theresa May and Queen Elizabeth, could turn violent.
A statement on the US embassy website warns US citizens to "be aware of your surroundings [and] exercise caution if unexpectedly in the vicinity of large gatherings that may become violent."
The largest demonstration is expected in central London on Friday, where a giant "Trump baby" balloon will fly.
32 min ago
President Trump just arrived in the UK
President Trump is wheels down in the United Kingdom. He'll start his day there with a visit with British Prime Minister May.
Tomorrow, Trump and May will visit a defense site and then travel to Chequers, the Prime Minister's official country retreat, for bilateral talks. They'll have a news conference afterward.
Trump and the first lady will then go on to Windsor Castle to meet the Queen.
31 min ago
3 ways the UK is protesting Trump's visit
Protesters are expected to rally during President Trump's visit to the United Kingdom. The US embassy has even warned American citizens in the UK to "keep a low profile" amid fears that protests could turn violent.
Here's a look at a few ways demonstrators are voicing their dissent:
The musical protest
There's a social media campaign to make Green Day's 2004 song "American Idiot" No. 1 in the UK by the time Trump arrives.
The Trump baby balloon
A 19-foot-tall orange balloon — shaped to look like a baby version of Trump — will be flown in central London on Friday. It's expected to sail as high as 98 feet in the air near Parliament.
A leaflet for a July protest against Trump is seen amongst Labour party flags on June 16, 2018 in London, England. Chris J Ratcliffe/Getty Images
The rallies
Anti-Trump demonstrations are expected to take place in Bristol, Newcastle, Leeds, Cambridge and Cardiff after Trump arrives today.
A small demonstration is expected to take place near Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire today, the venue for Trump's black-tie dinner with May tonight. Tomorrow, demonstrators are expected to gather near Chequers, the Prime Minister's country residence, where May and Trump will hold a working lunch.
The biggest protest will take place in central London on Friday when thousands are expected to take to the streets to join the "Stop Trump" march.
2 hr 29 min ago
Trump is on his way to the UK
President Trump has been in Brussels, Belgium, for a NATO summit. Air Force One is wheels up and on its way to the UK now.
Here's a look how Trump's next two days in the UK will go down:
Tonight, President Trump and first lady Melania Trump black-tie dinner hosted by Prime Minister Theresa May at Blenheim Palace, the birthplace of Winston Churchill.
The Trumps will spend the night at the US ambassador's residence, Winfield House, by Regent's Park in London.
Tomorrow, Trump and May will visit a defense site and then travel to Chequers, the Prime Minister's official country retreat, for bilateral talks. They'll have a news conference afterward.
Trump and the first lady will then go on to Windsor Castle to meet the Queen.
Later that evening, the Trumps will travel to Scotland, where the President owns two golf properties, Trump Turnberry and Trump Aberdeen. It's not yet been confirmed whether the President will play golf while there for the weekend.
3 hr 4 min ago
Trump: "I think they like me a lot in the UK"
From CNN's Jeremy Daimond
President Trump is wrapping up at the NATO summit in Brussels, Belgium, before he heads to the UK later today. At a post-summit news conference, he told reporters he's OK with protests set to take place in the UK during his visit.
"I think it’s fine," Trump said. "I think they like me a lot in the UK."
Trump also said he is going to "a pretty hot spot" right now, pointing to the string of resignations from Prime Minister's Theresa May's government.
watch more:
3 hr 44 min ago
British prime minister says UK will remain a strong US ally
From CNN's David Wilkinson in London and Deborah Bloom in Atlanta
US President Donald Trump (L) gestures as he poses alongside Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May (R) and Iceland's Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir (R) during the opening ceremony of the NATO summit in Brussels on July 11, 2018.(EMMANUEL DUNAND/AFP/Getty Images)
British Prime Minister Theresa May praised the relationship between the US and the UK ahead of President Trump's visit to London.
“There is no stronger alliance than that of our special relationship with the US and there will be no alliance more important in the years ahead,” she said in a statement released by 10 Downing Street Wednesday.
"As two nations – we are safer, more prosperous and more creative when we work together," May added. "I am looking forward to this week’s important discussions.”
4 hr 26 min ago
Here's a look at Trump's strained Twitter relationship with the UK
From CNN's Faith Karimi
In recent months, President Trump has bickered with British officials over his tweets and comments, complicating his relationship with one of America's closest allies.
This is a rundown of Trump's past UK comments:
Trump, during a speech in Dallas defending gun ownership, compared an unnamed London hospital to a war zone.
He criticized the new location of the US Embassy in London after it moved from its long-standing Grosvenor Square site in central London to its new home south of the city.
Trump went after the UK's National Health Service, saying it's facing financial woes and accusing Democrats of seeking a similar universal health care system for the United States.
He caused outrage in Britain by retweeting three videos posted by Jayda Frandsen, the deputy leader of Britain First, a far-right party. The inflammatory videos showed people purported to be Muslims carrying out assaults and smashing a statue of the Virgin Mary.
Trump has engaged in a series of spats with London Mayor Sadiq Khan. Trump even called for an IQ test between him and the mayor to determine who's smarter.
4 hr 45 min ago
Trump is visiting the UK today. Here's what he'll do there.
From CNN's Laura Smith-Spark
US President Donald Trump (L) gestures as he poses alongside Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May (R) as Portugal's Prime Minister Antonio Costa (TOP) looks on during the opening ceremony of the NATO in Brussels on July 11, 2018(EMMANUEL DUNAND/AFP/Getty Images)
President Trump will arrive in the UK on Thursday from a NATO summit in Brussels, according to the itinerary released by Downing Street.
This is what his visit looks like for the next two days:
The President and first lady Melania Trump will attend a black-tie dinner hosted by Prime Minister Theresa May at Blenheim Palace, the birthplace of Winston Churchill.
The event will begin with a military parade featuring the bands of the Scots, Irish and Welsh Guards in the spectacular Great Court. The music will have an American flavor, with the "Liberty Fanfare" and the "National Emblem" chosen alongside "Amazing Grace."
The Trumps will spend the night at the US ambassador's residence, Winfield House, by Regent's Park in London.
Trump and May will visit a defense site "to witness a demonstration of the UK's cutting-edge military capabilities and integrated UK-US military training," according to a spokeswoman for May.
They will then travel to Chequers, the Prime Minister's official country retreat, for bilateral talks on foreign policy, to be followed by a news conference.
Trump and the first lady will then go on to Windsor Castle to meet the Queen.
Later that evening, the Trumps will travel to Scotland, where the President owns two golf properties, Trump Turnberry and Trump Aberdeen. It's not yet been confirmed whether the President will play golf while there for the weekend.
来自CNN的Laura Smith-Spark
约翰逊时髦的伦敦市中心住宅周围建有高大的金属网路障和混凝土块 - 称为温菲尔德之家 - 特朗普将在周四晚上度过。
特朗普将在美国大使官邸Winfield House过夜,该公寓靠近伦敦摄政公园。
来自CNN的James Masters
当特朗普到达时,有一场社交媒体活动让Green Day的2004年歌曲“American Idiot”在英国排名第一。
星期五将在伦敦市中心飞行,一个19英尺高的橙色气球 - 看起来像婴儿版的特朗普。预计在议会附近空中高达98英尺。
在2018年6月16日在英国伦敦举行的工党旗帜中,可以看到七月抗议特朗普的传单。 Chris J Ratcliffe / Getty Images
特朗普总统一直在比利时布鲁塞尔参加北约峰会。 Air Force One现在已经开往英国。
特朗普将在伦敦摄政公园的美国大使官邸Winfield House过夜。
来自CNN的Jeremy Daimond
“我认为这很好,”特朗普说。 “我认为他们在英国很喜欢我。”
来自CNN在伦敦的David Wilkinson和亚特兰大的Deborah Bloom
2018年7月11日在布鲁塞尔举行的北约峰会开幕式上,美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(左)与英国首相特蕾莎·梅(R)和冰岛总理卡特琳·雅各布斯特尔(R)一起提出了姿态。(EMMANUEL DUNAND / AFP / Getty Images)
“作为两个国家 - 当我们共同努力时,我们会更安全,更繁荣,更有创意,”May补充说。 “我期待本周的重要讨论。”
来自CNN的Faith Karimi
他批评了美国驻伦敦大使馆的新址,它从伦敦市中心长期居住的格罗夫纳广场(Grosvenor Square)搬到了该市南部的新家。
他通过转发英国第一副总理杰达·弗兰德森(Jayda Frandsen)发布的三个视频,引起了英国的愤怒。煽动性的视频显示人们声称是穆斯林进行攻击并砸碎圣母玛利亚的雕像。
来自CNN的Laura Smith-Spark
美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(左)与英国首相特蕾莎·梅(R)一起提出姿态,因为葡萄牙总理安东尼奥·科斯塔(TOP)在2018年7月11日北京布鲁塞尔开幕式期间(EMMANUEL DUNAND / AFP)期待/ Getty Images)
特朗普将在伦敦摄政公园的美国大使官邸Winfield House过夜。