螢幕快照 2018-07-14 下午1.54.27.png

 The article and picture are from NOMADIC MATT website <https://www.nomadicmatt.com/travel-blogs/best-blogs-of-2015/>

這裡的文章和圖片是來自於網站 "遊牧的亞光" <https://www.nomadicmatt.com/travel-blogs/best-blogs-of-2015/>。







2015年 我最喜歡的7個旅行部落格(博客)

I love travel stories — whether entire books, short stories, or blog posts. I can never get enough!

我喜歡旅行的故事 -- 不論是整本書,短篇故事,或者部落格貼文。我永遠不嫌多!

Since I’m on my computer so often, I’m always looking for new blogs to quench my literary thirst.


I read hundreds of new blogs each year, and most of them I decide I can live without.


But I always find a few gems, and I want to showcase the blogs I started reading often in 2015:

不過,我總能(在其中)找到一些亮眼的文章(寶石),我想向大家介紹(展示)我在2015年經常閱讀的部落格 :

The Blonde Abroad


Kiersten’s site focuses on the intersection of fashion and travel.


She gives tips and advice for women on what wear, pack, and see while overseas and focuses more on higher-end, comfort travel than I do.


I think her blog is one of the best for female travelers and, though it’s not targeted to me, I find useful information that I share with others.


Kiersten and I are friends, and I love seeing her site grow and expand, especially over the last year.


She seems to be everywhere!


Hey Nadine

嘿 納丁 (德文)

This popular YouTube channel by Nadine Sykora documents her experiences as she travels around the world.

這個知名的 YouTube 頻道紀錄了 Nadine Sykora 環遊世界的旅行經驗。

Nadine’s zany, nerdy take on travel makes her videos entertaining to watch!

Nadine Sykora 的滑稽(的)動作,讓他的旅遊影片看起來更有趣(有趣的觀看)!

She’s funny, smart, and a bit awkward, but her filmmaking style really puts you there in the destination with her.


There’s a reason she’s one of the biggest travel channels on YouTube!

這是她成為 YouTube 最棒的旅遊節目之一的原因。

View from the Wing


Gary Leff is the “OG” of travel hacking.

Gary Leff 是旅遊駭客(用飛機里程和積分來兌換免費機票和住宿)的大佬(Original Gangster).

While I read many travel-hacking blogs, I follow Gary because he provides industry analysis and behind-the-scenes information on loyalty programs and airlines.

當我在閱讀旅遊駭客的部落格(文章),我會閱讀 Gary 的文章,是因為他有提供 "(會員)忠誠方案(規劃) = 酬賓方案" 和 "航空公司" 的 "產業分析" 和 "幕後信息"

Gary doesn’t just provide trip reports or share deals and reward opportunities, he gives you context and greater understanding of how travel hacking and airlines operate.

Gary 不僅提供旅行報告或分享交易和獎勵機會,他為您提供了關於旅行黑客和航空公司如何運營的背景和更多的理解。


變化 (丹麥文)

This is my go-to resource for all travel-related news and industry information.


It breaks stories and provides detailed analysis on the latest trends in travel, on both the business and consumer sides of the industry.

它提供了旅遊的最新趨勢 (含旅遊故事和分析),包含業務和消費者兩個面向。

If you love travel as much as I do and think listening to what CEOs have to say about revenue and consumer tastes is fun, this is the only website that’s worth reading.


BuzzFeed Travel

旅行熱門快報 (BuzzFeed 可譯為 "熱點速遞"、"熱門快報"、"潮流先知" 等等)

I’m sure you’re surprised to see BuzzFeed listed here, but hear me out: sometimes all you want is a little inspirational list to get you through the day.

我相信你會驚訝地看到BuzzFeed在這裡列出,但是聽我說 (意思就是聽我把話一次講完,中間不要打斷我):有時候你想要的只是一個鼓舞人心的名單(?)來幫助你度過這一天。

That’s BuzzFeed. Its simple, easily digestible stories and portraits of travelers make me feel good.

這是BuzzFeed。 它簡單易消化的故事和旅行者肖像(影像)讓我感覺很好。

It may not have long-form writing or loads of practical tips, but it brings inspiration to others, and I’m a fan of its quirky angles and funny stories!


Wandering Earl


My kindred spirit, Earl is a vagabonding nomad backpacker like myself.

(Earl) 與我志趣相投,他是像我一樣的(像)游牧民族一樣流浪的背包客。[ vagabond (n.) 遊民;流浪者|nomad (n.) 遊牧(民族) ]

We both love budget travel, backpacking, blogging, and everything in between (and yes, we’re good friends in real life too).


I read Earl’s blog because he goes to places few people ever visit (Kurdistan, anyone?) and tells raw, honest travel stories that don’t sugarcoat the travel experience.

我讀過 Earl 的博客是因為他(都)去那些很少人會去造訪的地方(例如,庫爾德斯坦,有任何人去過嗎?)並講述了原始的,誠實的旅行故事,這些故事都沒有被修飾(被糖衣修飾)。

Very few blogs do that, and for that, I think he’s one of the best travel websites out there.


I’ve been reading him for years and he deserves a feature! (He’s also one of the few other bloggers I know that doesn’t accept sponsored content or trips!)




Mark and I go back to the days when I was living in Bangkok.

(Mark 和我 ,這讓我...)回想起我住在曼谷(Bangkok)的日子。

Mark blogs about food, especially Asian food.

Mark 的部落格(通常是介紹)食物,尤其是亞洲食物。

He’s my food guru when it comes to all things Southeast Asian and has detailed information on where to eat and what to order throughout the region.


But more than that, he tells the story of the place and its culture through the food he’s eating.


It’s not just about what dishes to order — it’s about how food has shaped culture and vice versa.

這意義不僅僅侷限在要點什麼菜餚 - 它是關於食物如何塑造文化,反之亦然

These seven blogs aren’t the only ones I read, and since it’s been awhile since I’ve written about my favorite travel blogs, here’s a list of my favorites from pervious years that shouldn’t be forgotten:


Legal Nomads
Camels & Chocolate
Expert Vagabond
A Backpackers Tale
Hecktic Travels
Captain and Clark
Roads & Kingdoms
Alex in
Never Ending Footsteps
The Points Guy
Traveling Canucks

There you have it: my current reading list of websites and blogs! I hope you add them to your reading list and enjoy them as much as I do.

你現在擁有了我目前的閱讀的網站和部落格列表! 我希望你能跟我一樣把它們加入(能加多少是多少)到你的閱讀清單中。 



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